Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ok, another San Francisco weekend

Last weekend was full of music. On Friday we got it together and went to see Kacey Chambers and Shane Nicholson at The Independent. Awesome. Here is a picture of Kasey and Shane from a camping trip we all went on last summer when we trekked across Australia.

From SF weekend, August 22-23 2009

The next day we took the T line to the Ferry Building Farmer's market where Chris enjoyed some oysters,

From SF weekend, August 22-23 2009

while Olivia nibbled on some San Francisco-style hot dog.

From SF weekend, August 22-23 2009

The under-the-bridge bluegrass was also pretty rockin'.

From SF weekend, August 22-23 2009

We experimented with some pasta we bought at the Farmer's Market for dinner that night.

From SF weekend, August 22-23 2009

The next day Chris rode his bike to the top of San Francisco's second highest point -- Mount Sutro, discovering a great system of mountain bike trails on the UCSF campus in the process. Good news indeed.

From SF weekend, August 22-23 2009

All in all, another great, local weekend.


jess&nick said...

San Fran weekends look like good times well spent. The hikes and mountain rides look especially awesome. Mountains and hills are not easily found in these parts.

Katie said...

So, what is a San Fran style hot dog...what's on it...?